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About us


Sigrid Assmus, Dipl.-oec.

  • German „Abitur“ (A-levels), trained as a specialist assistant in economic and tax consultancy professions tax training in Stuttgart

  • Studied economics at the University of Hohenheim (Diplom-Ökonom)

  • Experience in staff and line functions with corporations in Germany, Brazil and the Far East:

    • Marketing controller with a multinational company in the chemical industry

    • Profit Center Manager with results and personnel responsibility at a trading company in the textile industry

    • Marketing & sales director at a manufacturer of ceramic household articles

  • Since 1998 experience in specialized recruitment agency

  • Since 2009 member of the board of Bundesverband der Bilanzbuchhlater und Controller e.V. (Association of accountants and controllers region Baden-Württemberg). long-time member of the DGFP Deutsche Gesellschaft für Personalführung e.V., (society for HR management) , many years advisory board member of Marketingclub Karslruhe e.V., member of the international Controller Association and Alumni Hohenheim e.V.


Jürgen-Heinz Schott, Dipl.-Ingenieur


  • Apprenticeship as machine fitter and electrician/electronic engineer 
  • University of Applied Sciences Cologne -  Engineer Process Engineering / Measurement and Control Engineering & Electrical Engineering
  • Several years of experience in the development centre for plant technology at Ford in Cologne
  • Technical project management:  Chemical plant construction:  Russia, Libya, Iran, Czech Republic, Romania
  • Overall project management:  Palm Oil Refinery Indonesia, DME plant Sydney,  Pharmaceutical Industry Basel
  • Consultant for various Indonesian companies





siascon Personalberatung
Hermannstraße 5
70178 Stuttgart


Tel.    +49 711 72 69 295
Fax    +49 711 72 69 301


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